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Thursday, July 17, 2008

stranded on a KiTchEn isLAnd

When we lived in Kansas I had the most fabulous kitchen. It was huge with tons and tons of cupboards and lots of counter space. (you know what I'm talking about Kansas friends:)

Well, since we moved from that house, I have yet to live in a house with even close to having the same amount of space.

So..for my birthday this year Larry and the kids got me a kitchen island. It adds just enough counter space for rolling out rolls, or cooking in general. PLUS- *added bonus* it has CUPBOARD SPACE. So I was able to clear out an entire cupboard just for Hope. So all her food and bottles now are in one spot. I LOVE IT!

Wouldn't Martha Stewart be proud? (or some other very organized lady!)
THanks so much FAmily!! I Love my birthday present!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Wow! What a beautiful kitchen, I love the island! I remember your awesome Kansas kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking more now. :)